'25 March - theme: Memoir March (Alex suggests - a bubble wrap celebrity)
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

This appeared in our book box a few weeks ago and looked like the perfect candidate for a "bubble wrap celebrity".
I approached with caution and was pleasantly surprised to find this book really, really funny. Unbeknownst to me when I started reading, Mindy doesn't just star in "The Office", she was one of the shows original writers. No wonder she's funny.
The first three-quarters of the book is a memoir that had me laughing out loud. Mindy manages to be funny without ever poking fun at anyone, it's obvious the love she has for her family and her closest friends. She's a comedian who is never cruel, and that is amazing.
The last quarter of the book is something else. Maybe a collection of essays or a stand-up show which AI has voice-to-texted. I'm not sure. Still funny but I didn't get how it fitted. I honestly think Mindy had just run out of things to say.
After finishing this book, my opinion of Mindy Kaling has improved no end, I'm not even sure she could be classed as a bubble wrap celebrity. Yes she acts a small part in the office but that's only a tiny part of her career. She's a writer and a comedian first and foremost.